About Me

Joyce (or Joycee to her closest friends) is a graduate of Economics at the University of the Philippines.

A self-confessed booknerd who reads a wide range of genre from YA, historical fiction and non-fiction biographies, her favorite authors include Suzanne Collins, George R.R. Martin, Neil Gaiman and J.K Rowling to name a few. Add couch potato to her geeky resume, this lady religiously follows TV series such as Modern Family, Game of Thrones and Sherlock.

She's a die-hard fan of both Kimi Raikkonen and Rafael Nadal. 

She recently discovered the joys of backpacking/traveling and had visited three countries last year. One of her goals in life is to visit twenty-eight countries before she reaches that age. She’s so far behind in her goal but she’s not one to give up easily.

For years, Joyce had dreamed of living and studying in Europe. As a kid who loved history, she had always imagined what it would be like to attend the balls in London, to have coffee at a shop near the Eiffel Tower, to see the beautiful architecture in Barcelona and to taste the freshest pizzas in Italy. At present, Joyce is working hard to achieve that goal.
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